Okay, so the religious text of most religions is often claimed to be influenced/inspired/administrated by a divine being. Now, let's humour the idea of a God for a while. Not for too long, but a while.
God, at least in Christianity and Islam, is considered to be an all knowing entity, which I believe to be the absolute minimum for an aspiring deity. So why in this book that he has written using his most prized creation as a conduit for his infinite knowledge has he not given to us really important scientific information? There is both the absence of science and then there is the presence of science that has the unfortunate disadvantage, under the eye of scrutiny, of being entirely batshit insane.
Allow me to provide some examples. Passage 21:31 in the Quran states "We placed firmly embedded mountains on the earth,
so it would not move under them." Now the general meaning that many people have inferred from this passage is that mountains prevent earthquakes. Obviously we all know that earthquakes happen, sometimes devastatingly so, but let's try and help this claim out. Right, so if mountains act as "pegs"-78:7 then wouldn't you assume that mountainous areas are the most stable patches of land on planet Earth? I would. But if you were to view the data of the past week's Earthquakes (http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/map/) you may notice that the top 5 earthquake zones across the globe are in western North and South America, the Aleutian Islands, the Pacific “Ring of Fire”, and the Himalayas. Those are all primarily mountainous regions. The counter argument to this is that in the original Arabic text it actually refers to mountains settling the Earth as its initial liquid state resulted in irregular revolution around its axis. I will leave that one to you to puzzle out. It's not hard.
So, that's one problem with a religious text that is the infallible word of God but there are so many of these that I feel a paragraph on each would get super boring so here is a quickfire LIGHTNING ROUND of religious omittance and fallacy in the realm of science. (This is the shortest shortlist I could make whist still making my point. See the internet for more.)
1a) If you were to trace the family tree that is very clearly detailed in the Bible (perhaps the true God is Mormon) you would find that the time expired from Adam to modern man is about 5700-10,000 years.
1b) There was allegedly no death before Adam and Eve totally f'd up... so dinosaurs and humans would have co-existed.
2) There is no explanation of how contagious disease works through the transfer of microscopic organisms.
3) The old testament has people living to 800+ years old.
4) Psalm 104:5 says something very similar to the aforementioned Quranic text and led to Galileo being humped raw by the Catholic Church for heresy after proposing the theory of heliocentricity.
5) There is no explicit or applicable scientific explanation of electricity, chemistry, astronomy, natural disasters, physics, biology, medical science or complex mathematics in the religious text of the world's two major religions (THOSE ARE REALLY IMPORTANT THINGS!).
6) Bats are BIRDS. Leviticus 11:19 "And the stork, the heron after her kind, and the lapwing, and the bat". (Reading around the passage will help with the context.)
Okay, so there's a few points but now I want to get to my main problem with this lack of information.
Let's ignore that religious texts are, as I started out saying, believed to be the infallible word of God (who, need I remind you, is GODDAMN GOD) that has been channeled through humans. If we didn't ignore this I would feel that I was being overly unfair to religious people. How do you explain why God didn't put any of this information into his debut novel? The only response that wasn't a way of getting off subject or an admission of not-knowing that I have ever received is as follows "But the people of the day may not have been able to understand the scientific knowledge so it was either omitted or written allegorically."
When I was born, I didn't know anything about anything. Seriously, I was mega retarded! I didn't understand physics, chemistry, medicine... much like the people around at the birth of the two main world faiths. (I have little knowledge of other religions outside of Christianity and Islam. I want to try and stay in my depth when dealing in facts.) YET, with all the knowledge I lacked, teachers, who I would expect are not as far reaching with their intellect as an aetherial being, were perfectly adequate at explaining to me the function of microbes in illness and electricity in appliances and the rudiments of mathematics and the utmost basics of the sciences before I was in double digits! As a disclaimer, my knowledge of the sciences and mathematics is tiny proportional to the breadth of said subjects but regardless of that fact both you and I know more than entire villages did "back in t' day".
Why wasn't God able to teach the shepherds of the day the same things mere mortals taught me? I wouldn't have expected a textbook of advance calculus (though perhaps a section at the back, or a sequel for more intelligent people than myself may have been useful) but the most basic of explanations or a push in the right direction would have been nice.
To summarise, God held back all of his supposed knowledge for some reason. I mean, damn, he put it in a tree, called it the tree of knowledge and even after Adam ate its fruit he couldn't have made the vaguest attempt at explaining the field of optics. I would like to propose the reason that humans were misled and uninformed. Humans were left in the dark because the religious text was written by humans, from the mind of humans, well and truly after nightfall and before the dawn chorus. The reason the Bible and the Quran are not mighty pillars of scientific reference is the same reason you wouldn't have asked a nomadic goat herder in the Middle East, 4000 years ago to explain nuclear fusion and its role in the life of a star.
EDIT: I'd like to end with a quote from the Vatican's astronomer, Father George Coine PhD.
"The Christian scriptures were written between about 2000 years before Christ to about 200 years after Christ. That's it. Modern science came to be through Galileo, up through Newton, up through Einstein. What we know as modern science is in that period. How in the world could there be any science in scripture?"
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